CTC provides a comprehensive range of Gas Freeing Fan Ancillaries, designed to enhance the longevity and ease of use of our complete gas freeing fan lineup. Victor Marine Gas Freeing Fan equipment is marketed under its original and renowned Victor Pyrate brand name
These essential accessories ensure optimal performance and reliability, contributing to the safe and efficient operation of gas freeing systems on board.
The Victor Pyrate ancillaries include components that support maintenance, improve functionality, and enhance safety, allowing for seamless integration with Victor Marine’s high-quality gas freeing fans.
Air Ducting & Flanges
Specially designed for marine ‘hazardous areas’, this is flame retardant and anti-static, heavy duty spiral wound PVC coated, flexible fabric ducting. Produced in standard 300mm diameter nominal bore or special purpose diameters and lengths, these ducts are suitable for both supply and exhaust mode operation. Various mild steel, stainless steel (AISI 316) and galvanised flanges to suit both deck opening and VP gas freeing fan outlet ducts are available.
All fans are supplied with a standard 318mm deck flange. Other deck flanges are available on request.

VP Watergun
A powerful water gun and mounting tripod with low recoil for rapid cleaning of deck and bulk cargo holds. Suitable for use on a wide range of Bulk Carriers.